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A member registered Oct 21, 2022

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(1 edit)

The only Issue so far that I had was that I couldn't start it because it was treated as Virus. Unlike with others with false positive, it was fully deleted. Making an exception for the folder wasn't working, but I could fix it by using the exe file from the DonkGame, only had to rename it.


Not sure if this helps, or if it even is possible to 'fix', but I found the Icon size on the DonkGame more fitting. Currently It looks to big when playing in full window screen and can get in the way sometimes.

Is there a way to tell when 100% is reached?

Without the Passive TF, there is no way to change the ears or body/chest. Maybe some hair changes too, if he goes Donkey all the way. Some of the text is still normal after part of the head changes and he start makes donkey noises mostly. 

Besides that, it is a nice little fun play with TF, which is hard to find overall.

Didn't saw any size difference, but still...: Normal Head and arms at 60%, no mouth and no arms at 55%, back to normal head and arms at 50%, it goes on until reaching 30% which is the lowest with Bret when starting. It just seems weird that it goes like that without the runes doing any to cause it. Could be a bug, but guess wait and see how it goes.

The % makes no sense, regardless of how many times I try it. New game, ended at 60% with head and arms and 2 days later I got 55% with no mouth and no arms.

From 20% to 80% the art/picture all stays the same, it only changed when getting or losing 5% but then again the pictures makes no sense based on the % alone.

No rune used to that time, because not reached that far on the last try.

(3 edits)

Was all I could find so far and TF is just short for Transformation. Like getting Fur or such.

3 More things I found. You can get the Secretary scene a second time when going there at a later time, or after using fast travel, same goes for the hidden NPC one.

The NPC near the House and Statue keeps updating the quest, if talking to him another time, which could be because of the HQ part that is blocked.

(12 edits)

Still testing around. It seem the Breeding animation not work? (Starter and Wolf) Unless there are none for the moment. Tried a few times, but it looked like nothing was happening. Got an egg a day later or so, but haven't seen any info or message for that.

Will there be any TF for the PC too?

Days don't seem to count in the Player Info. (Seems Day count started after reaching the third city)

Edit: Monsters can learn attacks/skills they already know. For Example, got Minotaur with lvl 5 who had Disarm, at lvl 6 he learned it again.

Attacks that need a turn to cooldown, are affecting other Monsters too, when swapping them.

It seems tricky, or missing a trigger, to activate the Fast Travel. After the second Visit it worked for Mimosa, but so far not for the third city. And unless I teleport, I can't close the screen. (City name showed up after saving and loading game)

Hunting Quest doesn't seem to update after last battle and the HQ seems blocked for the Infection quest, so unable to finish it.

Werecat is Missing Icon at the Pen and Cock with Naela Animation (the Naele Breed Animation is the only I found or seem to work).

Male Dragon cock seems to be the wrong sprite when max size.

Flying Grass behind the house near the Statue ^^;

Is it Normal that the game is making an Autosave every second? It deletes a save, then makes another, for 10 different Autosaves.

Besides that, it really needs a guide. I have no Idea what to do even with the Quest parts. Most times, with full energy, I lose money after like 1 scene, because to long awake.

Another way to 'waste't time would help too. Moving around for 10 minutes each to reach a time to meet someone takes to long and the risk to lose to much time when doing another event is high.

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